CSSC KMUTT is accredited TIS 17025-2561(2018) (ISO/IEC17025:2017) by Thailand Industrial Standard Institute (TISI) in accreditation no. TESTING 1645 as follows scope.
- PV Module according to IEC61215-1 IEC61215-2 (TIS 61215), IEC61646:2008 (TIS 2210-2555), IEC61730-2 (TISI 2580 Volume 2), IEC TS 62804-1 (PID), IEC TS 60904-13 (EL)
- Stationary lead-acid battery: Vented types and Valve regulated types according to IEC60896-11 and IEC 60896-21, respectively. SLI lead-acid battery according to TISI 6 Volume 1 (IEC 60095-1)
- Inverter (Single phase, Grid-connected/Grid-tied) according to MEA and PEA requirements
As National Standardization Act B.E. 2551 in Measure 20, CSSC has been applied the request of certification to TISI and has been appointed to assessment. The Certification No. 15T127/0330 still available to the accredited scopes.